Transformers: The Dark Eras MUSH Wiki
Don't shoot at me and my teammate that other guy is fine tho
Date of Scene: 26 November 2017
Location: Ruins of Harmonex
Synopsis: Autobots and Decepticons fight over an abandoned outpost in the ruins of Harmonex.
Cast of Characters: Blurr, Blast Off, Phantom, Brawl, Hyperdrive

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr and Hyperdrive are trekking across what remains of Harmonex, running a typical recon mission to search out any Decepticon outposts or activity in the area. The ruins have been rife with skirmishes ever since Harmonex was destroyed, with the two factions trying to take full advantage of the cover the rubble is quite good at providing while trying to prevent the other from doing the same.

    Even though Hypderdrive is only a cadet, his exceptional performance on an earlier mission near Tagan Heights had his superiors sending him on special operations on quite a regular basis. This is no different. He's pretty good with explosives, actually--and with Blurr along what could possibly go wrong?

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive isn't terribly thrilled with having to go on missions still. He'd half hoped that his usefulness as a bot had run its course and perhaps he'd be removed from service, but instead he's put with Blurr. Bad enough Springer leaves him in the middle of a mission. At least Springer was indifferent to him. Blurr he's not sure remotely likes him. But he does what he's told and just keeps up with Blurr for the most part, using his speed and agility to keep quiet and keep pace with Blurr at least until the mech decides to ditch him.

Brawl has posed:
    Scouting? Brawl doesn't scout. He will patrol sometimes, but only in contested areas where a fight is likely. Of course, Brawl doesn't always have a choice (don't tell him that). Decepticons are spread thin as it is with all the newly conquered territory, and a foray into the Ruins of Harmonex would be unexpected. Which is part of the reason a VERY small unit was sent to one of their remaining outposts there. And somehow Brawl got roped into being in that unit. At least he's not without a fellow Combaticon to try and keep him on track. Although he's been mostly complaining about the post the entire time. It will certainly be up to the more... finessed members to make sure they don't get snuck up on by nasty Autobots.

Blast Off has posed:
More finessed members- like Blast Off, the cultured Combaticon. Or that's what he'd tell you, at least. The shuttleformer sighs, crossing his arms and looking up at the big tank. "Brawl, stop squirming and keep piling things up. Once we get these supplies loaded, I will transform and we can get out of here."

Phantom has posed:
Phantom did not want to be at this outpost by any means, but now isn't a good time to start randomly disobeying orders due to personal reasons. So, unfortunately, he is stuck with Dumbo and Mr Tinfoil, for the time being.

He's standing, keeping watch, while Blast Off and Brawl do the hard work. His expression is detached though. "Are these really so important?" he says, sounding distant.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr is kicking up all kinds of dust as he speed across the ruins, weaving in and out of collapsed buildings. "Hey Hyperdrive, try to keep up, yeah?" he says tersely as he keeps on pinging the grid for any activity of interest. Hm, it seems there is an abandoned outpost nearby that used to belong to the Decepticons before Harmonex was reduced to debris. He slows down and gets behind half of a wall of some building that used to be standing. << Got a positive ID on Phantom, Blast Off, and Brawl on-site. You getting this Hyperdrive? I say you throw in one of your stun grenades and I'll ambush them before they know what hit them. >>

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive would roll his optics if he wasn't trying to pay attention to where Blurr has already checked and where he's supposed to be checking. WHen he sees Blurr duck for cover, he does the same, waiting for Blurr's assessment before checking to add his own. Oh great. Lets see, Phantom who was actually nice to him the other day. Nicer than certain bots. Blast Off who...well he has reasons not to go out of his way and try and kill that one. and Brawl. Oh well at least he's got one he can safely shoot at without feeling morally conflicted. <<Just say when....>>

Brawl has posed:
    "I ain't squirming! If I am, I'll fragging squirm as much as I LIKE! Git off my back." Ah, yes, brotherly love. It is a remarkable show of restraint that Brawl doesn't just throw what he is carrying at Blast Off to punctuate his beligerence. Instead he just sets the box of supplies down with a hardy slam. "Once we clear most of this out, we're gunna light those Autoblots up but good!" Such an eloquent turn of phrase. "BOOM!" Brawl smashes two of his fists together, seeming to get excited at the prospect. Of course, there was always the chance the Autobots would either ignore the outpost altogether, or have countermeasures to the trap. But these do not occur to Brawl. All he can see are mushroom clouds raining Autobot body parts. "We ready to go, Blast Off?" Phantom is unceremoniously ignored.
    Indeed, some of the supplies will be conveniently forgotten. Brawl looks at the few remaining boxes, each rigged with pressure plates and explosives so the next person, whether Autobot or scavenger to remove anything will set them off. It will be big, loud, and messy. WHich appeals to Brawl's big, loud, messy nature.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off sighs. "Fine, squirm or don't squirm, your choice. Just let's get this done so I can fly out of here. I have other things to be doing..." He doesn't mention how uncomfortable he is right now without his ionic blaster... something he's hidden as well as possible from others, like Brawl. He's been kind of... indisposed lately and hasn't said why, but was finally forced to go do this one mission by none other than Onslaught himself. He spares a disdainful glance to Phantom, "Of course. Onslaught wouldn't be wasting our time." Now back to Brawl. "I think we're getting close, just place that box over there and I think our little surprise will be ready for the Autobots should they be foolish enough to come here."

Phantom has posed:
Phantom just avoids looking at Blast Off, waving dismissively at Blast Off when he mentions that Onslaught wouldn't waste their time. "Fine," he says, then glances over at Brawl with an aloof look, "just hurry up, okay? I am getting really bored here." He doesn't offer to help, though. He just stands there, pretending to be useful.

Blurr has posed:
    << Whenever you're ready. >> Blurr replies to Hyperdrive's question. Though of course that just means now. Because we all know how bad Blurr is at waiting and how much he hates waiting. But as much as he hates it, he waits for Hyperdrive to make his move.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive glances once more to check his trajectory and the destination. This would be so much easier if this was against Quake. Or certain others. But Brawl's reputation for nastiness precedes him. So that makes this alot easier. So once armed, he lobs the flashbang into the Decepticon's midst. That and the fact that he's not the one so far doing the actual damage. Right? Just don't hit Blast off, don't hit blast off....and maybe phantom.

Brawl has posed:
    "Yeah, like what?" Brawl asks, seeming skeptical that Blast Off has anything better to be doing. Because it's probably something Brawl would find boring. Brawl glares when Phantom tells him to hurry, and slows down out of sheer spite. WHich is kind of an awful time to be spiteful, for just as he finished with the preparations a little Autobot surprise of their own is lobbed into the outpost. And before Brawl can react.... "AAAAARGH!" Brawl backs away, flailing with as much grace as a headless chicken, veering dangerously close to setting off those explosives as he tries to grope and feel his way towards the exit with one hand, while getting a gun out with the other. He's damn well going to find whoever is responsible and make them pay. Well. Once he can see again.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off sniffs at Phantom, "well you *could* try helping pile these stacks up and then perhaps you wouldn't be quite so *bored*, hmmm?" How dare Phantom... for taking a page from his playbook. And then- things are definitely not boring anymore. Hyperdrive indeed does not hit Blast Off... probably through both a combination of not being specifically aimed at, plus the shuttleformer's quick reflexes. He is just bending down to pick something up when movement catches his eye. He jumps back, box in hand and moved up to shield his face from being blinded. His teammate isn't so lucky. "Brawl!" He instinctively begins moving towards his teammate. Mistake. He gets thwapped and sent staggering backwards. "Ow..." Now he's miffed and with a huff, looks over to see just who did this and- OH. Ugh.

The shuttleformer drops his hand down, ready for his ionic blaster, and.... oh yeah. He doesn't have it. Right, he has a temporary pistol instead. A slight flick of his wrist and he holds the pistol. "Stop thrashing, Brawl, we've got at least one Autobot..." Oh, hmm, is that...? "Someone. Not sure his name. His name is going to be *mud* once I'm done though...." He huffs and lifts his pistol and fires.

Phantom has posed:
Phantom gives Brawl an exasperated glare when the Combaticon slows down to spite him. He just looks away and folds his arms. Not going to be his problem if this mission doesn't succeed -- that was a deliberate decision on Brawl's part to take his time.

Then they're ambushed by Autobots, which is unexpected, but not necessarily of that much concern to Phantom. He takes a few steps back, stunned, then transforms, and phases into some of the cargo laying around, effectively disappearing from sight.

"<No! Blast Off, you are... not good for fighting! And you do not even have your normal weapon with you, so that makes you even more helpless. You are a good bus. Now be a good bus, and get the supplies away from here. Just this one time I will watch you and make sure you are getting away safely>"

Blurr has posed:
    As soon as Hyperdrive's grenade explodes, Blurr rushes onto the scene, zipping between each of the Decepticons present in an attempt to shoot them all in the back before they can really react to what's happening. Unfortunately, Phantom disappears from view before he can target the seeker, but Brawl and Blast Off are fair game.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive finds himself shot. Yep, damn sniper con can hit pretty much anyone. He sees Blurr run ahead and turns to follow or at least guard Blurr's back. Of course he can guard it alot better if blurr isn't speeding into danger before he can even assess his damage. The young mech glances around, trying to figure where all the targets went and more important, where Blurr is at currently.

Brawl has posed:
"Damnit Blast Off I'll thrash when I--" Oh hey. A wall. A wall is good. Brawl was preoccupied with feeling his way towards the door when Blurr zoomed in and shot him. The ping off of his armour. Well. That's annoying. Brawl is annoyed. Actually, he's mad, but EVERYTHING makes him mad. And yet, rather than immediately start firing randomly in hopes of hitting what made him so mad he takes an intermediary step first. He positions himself between some of those boxes and Blast Off, stance defensive and baring his full girth out and open as an easy target - or perhaps a very large blast shield - before firing on the rigged boxes, knowing full well he'll take the full brunt of the blasts. But all he is thinking if how much more damage explosions will do to someone without his remarkable armour.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off huffs again at Phantom's comments. Normally, he might even *agree* with the mech and do just that since he *isn't* at his best here... but the jet's msarmy attitude just makes him want to prove the mech wrong. "I'm simply getting my rifle cleaned, is all! Besides, what sharpshooter doesn't enjoy trying some new weapons out from time to time?" Then suddenly- a blue blur flashes into the room and Blast Off reacts instantly. He knows that flash all too well.

He's whipping up his pistol, firing at Blurr... when suddenly Brawl does the unexpected. Blast Off's spark sort of sinks- and lifts- at the same time. Brawl is doing something stupid- and yet, is he actually thinking ahead enough to try and *shield* Blast Off from the blow? The shuttle doesn't have much time to take this into consideration as things go BOOM. Blast Off *does* manage to avoid most of the blast thanks to Brawl acting as a shield, but then that shield.... kinda gets blasted right onto him. CRASH. Tank on top of glass cannon isn't gonna end well. "Aiiigh!! What are you DOING???! Get off, get off!" He tries scrambling away, now dented and leaking some energon.

Phantom has posed:
Ugh, this is why he hates getting stuck with these two Combaticons, in particular. They're NEVER a good combination. When Brawl fires on the rigged cargo, Phantom doesn't really have time to think or react -- but thankfully, the cargo box he's in is one of the ones that /isn't/ rigged, and it provides him some cover.

But it isn't enough to keep him completely from the blast, the explosion actually knocks him out of the box, and he has to take a moment or so to regain his composure. He grunts, and turns around, protoforming, to notice that Blast Off is now leaking energon. And /still/ not taking his advice. He grumbles obscenities in his native language. "Are you stupid! Yes! You are! /Now/ do you think my counsel is good, huh, you are damaged!"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr smirks when he manages to shoot Brawl in the back, but then...uh oh. What's Brawl doing? Suddenly, the outpost bursts into flames, but the Autobot speedster manages to zip out of there just in time. << Slag! Hyperdrive, what's your status? You okay? >> He just hopes that all Brawl managed to do was damage himself and his own teammates.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive is thankful that one, he's fast and two, he's got a forcefield. Because when the place suddenly explodes, he finds himself under the shimmering panic bubble of doom and just has to wait for things to settle so he can unbury what would have been squished. <<Ummm yeah I'm okay. What'd you do? Stick a grenade in a refinery? It's gonna take me a moment ta get the debris out from around me but other than bein shot, I'm okay.>> Lowering his forcefield, he then starts pushing the debris off so he can make a hole to get free.

Brawl has posed:
    By the time Brawl recovers from the blast he is hearing Blast Off yelling at him. Well. How's that for gratitude. Brawl is half tempted to slap Blast Off's faceplate right off. And his mood goes from bad to worse when there don't appear to be any Autobots in the smouldering wreckage. Brawl uneasily gets to his feet, releasing Blast Off from being pinned only to turn around and glare fiercely at his Sub-Commander. "Git the frag outta here ya worthless..." So much for caring. But Brawl neglects to finish his sentence instead reminding himself that there ARE likely still Autobots around. Brawl turns to Phantom, a menacing flicker in his amber optics. "You SHADDAP! DO something USEFUL or frag off!"
     The gun Brawl was holding before was dropped and melted in the blast, but it was only a sidearm. Although the ringing in his helm is making it hard to focus and his vision is still blurry, Brawl rushes out of the ruined outpost, a panel of armour creaking and swinging loose off of his arm. It's a good thing he has a few spare weapons in subspace. Brawl brings out a semi-automatic and just begins firing indiscriminately in the vague direction of anything that moves - including shifting debris. And everywhere else too, just to be safe.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off is finally released from the tank's heft and scrambles to his rocket feet with a grumpy huff, then glares at Phantom. Opening his mouth and raising a finger, he prepares for some volley of scorn, when Brawls tells Phantom to frag off. That stops the shuttle and he hangs there a second, mouth still open, before expelling another huff of air through his vents. He's miffed at Brawl, but instantly on Brawl's side when it comes to the other Con. "Yeah!" What he said. Brawl just said everything that needed to be said. Even if Brawl *is* kind of an idiot. He dusts himself off and looks for an Autobot to shoot- and a safe place to shoot from.

Phantom has posed:
Phantom is just about done with both of these sorry excuses for Decepticons. Brawl is now shooting at... everything. Luckily, the seeker expected it, so his boosters engage, and he allows the shots to just phase right through him. He ignores Blast Off.

But he notices that Hyperdrive is climbing out of the debris now, and remembers that the little Autobot has a card that he stole from someone that time they'd been at Maccadam's together. "Hey," he says casually, "do you have that money I gave you before? I was just thinking, it would be a nice thing if you could give it back to me!" Maybe he doesn't even need to raise his blaster to buy Blast Off enough time to gain some common sense and leave, like he'd been telling him to do before.

Blurr has posed:
    << Good. >> Blurr is relieved that Hyperdrive is okay. But he can't help but smirk and shake his head when Brawl comes out shooting at everything but only manages to hit...well, no one. << Let's see if we can't force them to retreat. >> He transforms, revving his engines and aims to smash into Brawl's backside.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive yelps! As well phantom is right there when he was busy digging himself out and well for a moment that forcefield of his shimmers again. However its Phantom he realizes and not brawl or anyone else. And well he's not being shot at. So the forcefield comes down and he flips the card up in Phantom's direction. "There's less than there was...bought off some bullies with it." Yay and now he gets rid of the evidence. Thanks Phantom! Of course now it's back to the battle. Seeing what Blurr has just hit, he looks to the nearby decepticon, "Ya know...ya might wanna skidaddle outta yer buddy is about as safe as throwin rocks at Centurion drones." He pulls his own weapon out and aims a hit at Brawl, making sure to duck beneath the rubble as quick as possible afterward.

Brawl has posed:
    If Brawl wasn't already reeling from previous damage, Blurr's rear-ramming would not have caused Brawl to stumble forward. But it does and the mech growls. Angry at how useless this weapon as been, Brawl tosses it down and turns around about to fire at Blurr.... which is sort of pointless. Brawl steadies his stance so as not to be tossed around, and that is when a small ping off of his armour gets his attention. It hardly hurts, but the noise is annoyinh. Brawl glares over at the direction it came from, and instantly begins to charge at the tiny cadet, or rather, his present cover. While running Brawl leans to the side and grabs some large chunk of debris, still smouldering, and lobs it in the direction of Hyperdrive's hiding place.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off watches as Brawl goes after Hyperdrive (don't kill him, ok, Brawl? Boff needs to get a gun from him sometime....) But it's the fact that Blurr actually *strikes* Brawl that instantly causes the Combaticon *oh no you just didn't* reaction and he fires off another shot at the speedster in retaliation. That and... well perhaps it IS time to leave. He *tsks* at Phantom, "<< You're rubbing elbows with the enemy now, eh?>>," he radios, then broadcasts to both as if this is toally HIS idea, "<< Now cover for me as I get these supplies out of here! I'll transform just outside the structure... >>"

Phantom has posed:
Phantom is clearly pleased when Hyperdrive produces the card. "Oh, that is a good use of it," he says with a chuckle, taking the card and sub spacing it.

When Hyperdrive runs outside to start fighting Brawl, Phantom follows him casually, to see if it looks like a good day to try and hit Blurr. He yells at Hyperdrive, "Hey, if you get really close to his optics he will get cross opticked and cannot see you!" Now, whether or not that's true, Phantom has no idea, but doesn't care.

"<It was help, you have no gratitude in you>" Phantom retorts to Blast Off. He then replies to the broadcast, "<Oh, /now/ you want to listen to me! Even though this whole time, I was the one being in control of this whole situation...>"

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr takes a hit from Blast Off after the satisfying crunch he gets after ramming hard into Brawl. Though that weapon he's using doesn't do nearly as much damage as his usual arsenal, and at that point he notices the shuttlemech isn't wielding his ionic blaster like he normally does. "Hey Blast Off, where's your rifle?" he taunts, leveling his own weapon in the Combaticon's direction.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive is missed by Brawl and uses his small size to allow him to scurry to a new location from which to pop his head. A grin appears as Brawl is looking toward the spot he lobbed the flaming mass of debris. Pulling out another gun, he aims and fires at Brawl. There's a soft chuckle at phantom's comment as he quickly reverses and goes for cover, hopefully before Brawl realizes where the shot came from.

Brawl has posed:
    Brawl grumbles at the broadcast to cover Blast Off. Sure. Like he hasn't tried that already. Brawl, however, doesn't go out of his way to be defiant... but he also doesn't go out of his way to show compliance. He just continues to try and chase down Hyperdrive. He reaches the now abandoned cover, kicking over some of the debris when he finds it empty. Then he gets shot at again which makes Brawl howl. He glances towards Blurr to make sure Phantom is at least keeping the speedster busy, when Blurr taunts Blast Off. Point is to get the attention off Blast Off, isn't it? Giving up on playing whack-a-mole with an annoying cadet, Brawl gets out his electron gun and fires at Blurr to express his sentiment. After all, Brawl still has HIS signature weapon. Don't get any ideas, Hyperdrive.

Blast Off has posed:
"Why is everyone so concerned about my weapon choices today?" Blast Off grumbles, then staggers back at the sudden hit. "Gah!!," He swings his spare hand around to hold his now bleeding (even more) arm and hurrumphs at Phantom, "<< The only thing you are in control of is yourself and I find even that questionable... Now let the /Sub Commander/ of the Combaticons get us out of here... >>" Gritting his dentae, he works very hard on NOT blasting a giant hole in Hyperdrive right now (where *IS* his gun, Hyperdrive, HMMMMM? He WILL get it back....). But no, that has to wait 'til later....

Everything else done, he staggers forward, towards a good spot to transform- and does so. EE-err-eee-errrr-eeet goes the sound as the shuttleformer morphs into a MUCH bigger shuttle- and his laser guns are already warming up. They seek out a specific target- nope, not you Hyperdrive, not YET.... no, it's the blue one they seek. He takes a shot to try and keep Blurr back. "<< Alright, load me up and let's go.>>"

Phantom has posed:
Phantom grumbles, none to happy about Blast Off bossing him around. "<Same for you, and guess what, who is the one who is less damaged, huh? I think I am doing a great job of controlling myself and everyone else -- I remember very well, you're not so good at that...>"

He transforms, and continues to contribute to distracting Blurr. His lasers emerge, and he peppers the speedster with a strafing run before protoforming once again, and starts loading Blast Off up, just as the Combaticon instructed, though he hates that the Combaticon got to be the one to say it.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr hits Blast Off, but gets hit again in return. It slams him into a damaged outpost wall, however he manages to dodge Phantom's strafing run, oh and also Brawl's electron gun, twisting and somersaulting through the blasts. "I dunno, it's just weird that you'd leave it behind on purpose when you know you're going on an important mission. Even sloppy."

    He aims for Phantom this time, trying to knock him out of the air with a blast from his TechVolt.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive sees the cons are about to escape and attempting to steal their loot. And well apparently he's not doing a good enough job distracting brawl since he's not being messed with again. So well Hyperdrive quickly goes darting through the debris field to come up near Brawl and pulls out a cute little weapon. Blurr's got the right idea. So with careful aim, he fires at the combaticon, hopefully the big dummy doesn't come crashing down before he can scootaloo away.

Brawl has posed:
Bah! Guns are worthless! Brawl subspaces his Electron gun, ready to just charge at Blurr (who he will never catch). Just as Brawl had began to run, Hyperdrive's 'cute' little weapon zaps him. THis causes Brawl to stumble, nearly falling over, yet he manages to partially recover enough, riding on momentum and determination alone. Brawl keeps running, shaking off the effects. He doesn't have time to gather up any of the few boxes that weren't blown up in his earlier tactical error, but he does grab one while running towards Blast Off's awaiting shuttle bay - some of the contents falling out from the jostling and teetering movements of his staggering gait.

Phantom has posed:
Phantom is in the middle of helping Blast Off load up when Blurr hits him with his technovolt. The cargo he was carrying tumbles out of his arms and into Blast Off's cargo bay. Frustrated and annoyed by their late and rather sloppy departure, Phantom stumbles away from Blast Off, transforming rather crookedly and weaving wildly in order to shake off the effects of Blurr's attack.

Blast Off has posed:
Blast Off just wants outta here now. It's starting to look bad with stun guns and Decepticons falling left and right. The shuttle just *huffs* at Blurr, "<<I owe you NO explainations...>>" and then tenses as Brawl seems about to fall down again. Somehow, the tank pushes through the stun to at least safely board the shuttle. "Alright, buckle in... we're heading out.>>" Hyperdrive has earned another notch on the *I owe you* belt by doing that to Brawl, though. The shuttle hesitates a moment- Phantom is still out and Blast Off hates to leave anyone behind, it doesn't settle with the shuttle well, even if he dislikes the person. But Phantom seems to manage, too, and that's good enough for the Combaticon. Off he goes, rocketing into the air with far less cargo than he'd like.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive looks at the cargo they were trying to take and sees that this mission was a...well it might be considered a success. Two brave <speedy little bast..err> Bots fighting overwelming odds and they both survive. Hyperdrive himself is just glad this is over. He sits on one of the crates not taken by the cons and waits for Blurr to give orders
