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A Great Burden
Date of Scene: 06 March 2017
Location: Iacon - Central
Synopsis: Swivel tries to make her own terms for a difficult decision.
Cast of Characters: Prowl, Swivel

Swivel has posed:
     Swivel was getting simultaneously bolder and more apprehensive as she paced around the streets of Iacon. She had approached the Decagon several times only to turn around and head away from it as her thoughts even now were flip-flopping around the decision that had to be made. They were obsessing over details now - details she hadn't fully thought of and could make or break her final decision. Finally Swivel stands still, staring upwards at the urban horizon. She crosses her arms over her chest and slowly brings her attention down to ground level again, setting her chin into an expression of determination. She tunes her radio to the frequency she was given. <<Gunna need more clarification on some thin's. I require a meetin' as soon as possible ta talk over some details.>> Swivel was choosing words carefully. Clarification instead of answers. Require instead of want. <<I'm outside th'Decagon roight now. Let me know 'en yer ready for me.>> Once again Swivel looks skywards, although her view is somewhat obstructed. It occurred to Swivel that perhaps her life was easier when she wasn't anything to anyone but a cog the massive machine of society. Sure wasn't as interesting, though.

Prowl has posed:
    << Meet me in the atrium. >> Prowl answers promptly. Yes, he understands the urgency of this matter just as well as she does. Chances are he's probably already waiting for her in there right now.

Swivel has posed:
     Confirmation received, Swivel gives a small nod of her head. Well, over radio no one can SEE her nod, but the nod was more meant for herself, as if to tell her, this is it. Move forward. No dawdling. With a rather swift and deliberate gait, Swivel enters the Decagon heading straight for the Atrium.
     "Prowl," Swivel greets with a curt nod as she enters. She glances around briefly before looking back at Prowl. "Try not to balk if any o' my questions seem loik they 'ave obvious answers. It wun do t'make 'sumptions a'this point." Swivel is learning that lesson rather harshly. Swivel glances around. "Also keepin' my own records o' this conversation. Will 'at be a prollem?" Swivel asks, tapping her hip to activate a sound recording device strapped to it.

Prowl has posed:
    "No of course not." Prowl replies, nodding in acknowledgment of her presence. He watches her expectantly, waiting for her to speak her piece.

Swivel has posed:
With a nod, Swivel taps a few controls on her hips. She then looks at Prowl for a long silent moment before dashing her optics off to the side. "If I join your ranks..." she begins, then looks back at Prowl. It's funny... some say staring is rude. Others say averting your gaze is rude. Professionalism, though, usually demands a direct approach. Swivel curls in her lips, trying very hard to let not herself run rampant and abuse the word economy like she usually does. She's having a hard time finding a way to ask her questions with few words though. But then again, she seldom tries to be laconic and the lack of practice causes her to start a word a few times then stop awkwardly. Finally, her thoughts come into alignment and she nods her head. "...will it be with er clean slate? Or will I suddenly 'ave ter 'splain 'n answer fer some o' my..." Swivel brings up her hands forming air quotes with her fingers, "...'erratic 'n suspicious' be'viour th'loiks of you 'ave noted in th'past?"

Prowl has posed:
    "If you join our ranks, you will be expected to give us any information you may be privy to that command deems relevant to our cause." Prowl replies. "You won't be punished for code breaches that occurred before you enlisted, however. Does that answer your question?"

Swivel has posed:
     Swivel nods as she listens to Prowl's answer. She lifts her chin slightly, the usual gentle, diffused purple glow of her optics intensifying. "'N 'oo decides if I actually 'ave relevant infermation?" Swivel takes a small step back. "Let me be plain, iffin' if it puts me in an iffin' worse situation. I dun wanner be an Autobot. I dun wanner be a Decepticon either. My neutrality is my own way of fightin' fer my freedom. But it's necessary to 'elp someone. My loif is mine to give, so is my freedom. But the confidences of others, iffin Decepticons, shared with me before now, are off the table. Anythin' I learn afferwards I will consider Autobot property, as by then I will be an extention of the cause. But... if not bein' willin' t'talk about anythin' I've seen or 'eard while among them in the past will bring me immediate punishment, I dun much see the point in goin' to your academy 'n the first place. If my terms, keeping prior knowledge to myself, are unacceptable, then let me 'elp Blurr if I can, then do with me wotever would be appropriate by your laws. I won't run. But if you can accept my terms, I'll join the Autobots and serve the best way I know 'ow in good conscience. Either way, I would loik to request some toim to get my affairs in order."

Prowl has posed:
    "Command decides that." Prowl replies. Then he sighs. "Look, as much as I want to affirm that, I just can't make any promises. This sort of thing isn't even entirely up to me. Sure, I have a say, but I can't control all of high command. You know as well as I do that we're in the middle of a war. We -need- to do whatever it takes to end this and bring peace back to Cybertron with the smallest body count possible. I'm going to be straight with you, if you're not willing to give your all to that, then this isn't for you." He shakes his head.

    "I mean, who knows--maybe whatever knowledge you might have gained won't ever be relevant anyway. But maybe it will be. You have to be willing to give up anything and everything for the sake of those who -aren't- willing to do the same. That's the bottom line. If you're not ready and willing to do that, then you have no reason to give a slag about Blurr, anyway. You're better off fending for no one but yourself."

Swivel has posed:
     Swivel crosses her arms over her chest and shakes her head. "Well, those are my terms. Let command know them," Swivel says, unwilling to be baited. "You're opinion's noted, but as y'say, ya dun make th'final decision." Swivel glances towards the exit, and then looks back at Prowl arching an optic ridge. "Unless ya'd loik to try 'n shame me s'more fer not bein' a drone." Swivel adds a smile, which, normally would appear sweet and disarming, but paried with her smarmy tone of voice, it takes on a shade of insolence.

Prowl has posed:
    Prowl shrugs, turning away slightly. "I'm not trying to shame you, Swivel. I understand that what we're asking of you is a great burden. It's not something that just anyone could easily give up, especially for someone who hasn't always treated you the way you should've been treated." Just how much does he know about their relationship? Possibly more than one might expect. Or maybe it's just that he understands enough of Blurr's character to make accurate predictions.

    He nods as she looks toward the exit. "Very well then, I'll inform the appropriate personnel and we'll begin the replacement operation immediately. No time to waste, after all." He starts to head back upstairs himself.

Swivel has posed:
     Swivel shakes her head. "Folk kin care about people to varying degrees, Prowl. It 'ent all'r nothin'.... as much as I'm unwillin' ta betray everythin' I am for 'im, 'e's jus' as unwillin' t'change fer my benefit." Swivel says with a sigh as he heads towards the stairs. Swivel glances at Prowl, and instead of that haghty insolence she instead looks almost as though she pitied the mech. For just a moment. She banishes such a notion - realizing herself to be in a far more pitiable situation. However, she also has an odd feeling of unease as she begins to wonder the extent of Prowl's knowledge in regards to hers and Blurr's relationship. And what other very personal matters of hers is he privvy to? Swivel shudders, and though she had intended to leave the area with her head high, she slinks like a kowed dog as her imagination begins running wild with wondering the implications here.

Prowl has posed:
    "Ah. I figured as much." Prowl says with a nod. "It is a lot to give up for someone. Oh well. Best of luck to you."

Swivel has posed:
     Frag. Swivel pivots on her heel and yells back at Prowl "WAIT! WAIT. Come back." Swivel inwardly curses at herself. She hates submitting evidence to the popular theory that she's a spineless flake, but there's a reason people assume that. Because she behaves like a spineless flake. "Lemme restate mt terms to somethin' more reasonable. If yer willin' t'put up with me a moment longer."

Prowl has posed:
    Prowl was halfway to the gravlift when Swivel suddenly turned and begged him to wait just a moment longer. He stops and turns, arching an optic ridge at her. She is rather flaky, yes...but he expected this sort of behavior from her. "Yes?" he asks, his voice betraying no indignance or impatience whatsoever.

Swivel has posed:
     "I /DO/ want to 'elp. Not jus' Blurr. I want to 'elp Cybertron be a place I'm not afraid t'live in - somewhere peaceful, where folk 'kin live in reasonable safety and dignity. If you go through with this.... 'ow easy will it be to just keep doin' it? You'll be back slidin'. 'Istory will repeat itself. I dun think you want that t'appen anymore than I do." Swivel puts her hands out in a placating manner, her demeanor seeming to change completely. "If somethin' I know kin 'elp that 'appen then of course it otter be used fer th'cause. I get that. 'N I will use it to do wot needs to be done. 'N I get ya kinna let me anywhere near.... one of yer operative's minds in case I learn something wot coo' be dangerous in th'ands of the enemy, 'n by extention, someone unaligned. But let me one thing. If I survive this, allow me.... four cycles to put personal affairs in order and make some clean breaks where necessary. That's all I ask. Four cycles. Then I'm all yours." Swivel pauses. "Lucky you."

Prowl has posed:
    "You're right, and that is why we were relunctant to resort to such measures." Prowl responds with a nod. "And believe me when I say we attempted just about everything else we could possibly think of. But since it was the only way to save him if you refused to help, then what choice did we have? Surely, you understand that we couldn't just allow him to die despite having the means to prevent that from occurring."

    He pulls out a datapad, glancing down at it momentarily as he inputs something. "Right then. your induction ceremony has been scheduled four cycles from now. But, know this--the longer you wait, the lower your chances of succeeding are."

Swivel has posed:
     As loathe as Swivel is to admit it, she does believe Prowl that they tried everything else. After all, involving her in this way should be a last resort - as she was neutral and by extension a wild card. Swivel nods her head to Prowl. "Mmmm yes, wellum... I jus' wish it dinna come to this. I'm not the sort 'oo prepares 'emself for makin' 'ard decision... but it's jus' gonna be more of those 'ere on out. Better pluck up 'n get used to it now." Swivel rolls her shoulders and smiles, feeling the weight of merely making the hard decision dissipate. "Oh, I'll prolly not take four cycles. It's jus a 'abit t'ask fer more toim 'en I think I'll need fer pad room 'case somethin' unexpected 'appens. But if things get too urgent... ping me. I'll drop wot I'm doin' 'n come roight away. Well... I better go 'n get all that in order as fast as I kin... because I DO know toim is important. Prolly shoo be kickin' m'self fer takin' this long t'make a decision... but... I think I'd kick meself fer makin' one too soon. So I think I'll jus' dispsne with the self beatin' 'n move forward."

Prowl has posed:
    "As do I." Prowl admits with a solemn gaze, in reference to the part about wishing it hadn't come to this. "But wishful thinking never truly got us anywhere." He turns back toward the elevator again. "Well, once again--best of luck to you, Swivel. And I will see you at the Academy in no more than four cycles."

Swivel has posed:
     Everything needing to be said has been said. Swivel just nods to Prowl and quickly makes her exit while she is still basking in relief... and before the next wave of anxiety can begin to weigh the bounce out of her step.
