Transformers: The Dark Eras MUSH Wiki
Playing Dead
Date of Scene: 31 May 2018
Location: Sonic Canyons
Synopsis: Jazz helps Hyperdrive practice hiding.
Cast of Characters: Jazz, Hyperdrive

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive has been trying his best to hide from his pursuer. Nevermind that mech probably wouldn't hurt him, this has been one of those skills that he needs to mastser in case he's ever in a bad situation. So staying as still as possible, the young autobot waits to see if Jazz will pick out where he is. His headstart has ticked away and its only a matter of time. Having raced here in hovercar mode, he's spent his time trying to vent the excess heat off his frame as well as powering down all nonessential systems. Pretty much, he's playing dead.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz follows in his car mode as well, but as he arrives he transforms then he immediately drops to one knee and begins searching the ground.

Standing hie gazes around the horizon look left and hsaking his head then looking right and also shaking his head he looks straight forward and starts walking dropping to a knee occasionally to check for any signs.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive is glad that he had a hovercar mode. But He knows even that leaves telltale magnetic residue.....which oh crud. Jazz is probably picking that up. He silently curses but also doesn't dare move. He's treating this as a real scenario. And at this point running would only get him shot. So he has to trust in his abilities. Even if that itch in his back plating has him wanting to twitch SO bad.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz still slowly stalks, looking left and right and kneeling occasionally.

He calls out, "Not so bad rookie, not so bad," he chuckles to himself.

His headlights flash on and he starts to sweep the area with the lights still taking his time walking and talking.

"I hope you have moved by now, never stay in one place or pick a place you are unable to change your location from.."

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive's coloration is a pale blue that tends to look silver in diffused lighting, and does blend with the shadows well where it looks more gray. But Hyperdrive is busy watching Jazz indirectly with his dark optics. But Jazz is right. But he has to time his escape just right or it could be used against him. So with the control that he's been honing, he starts rebuilding his energy levels and shunting power to his extremities and other key areas.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz continues to swing from left to right and adds, "But so far you are doing pretty well, you thought about the ground, you thought about energy signature, it even seems like you worried about magnetics, well almost," he chuckles.

"But not so bad rookie, not bad."

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive's keeps his emotions in check though he's rather pleased. However becoming excited can sometimes be picked up with some mechs apparently. So controlled heat venting and wait, just wait, his 'camo' won't allow him much closer observation before he could be picked out of the surroundings. So, waiting until Jazz begins to take a step, the young mech throws a hand out to SHOVE a forcefield right at Jazz and try and bolt from his hiding spot that Jazz's currently trajectory will clearly uncover. Now most mechs, this plan would probably work rather well. But he holds no illusions that this will probably take Jazz out. THe further he goes to run from Jazz, the harder it is to keep the forcefield blocking and at some point, its going to recoil back on Hyperdrive which he has to be ready and catch or it will knock him out. If he does it right, the forcefield will protect him from at least some parting shots and give him a chance to reuse his speed now that his body is no longer overheating.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz is certainly blindsided, although he was close, he was looking to the other way. The force field actually knocks him over and he falls forward and he laughs, "Whoa! Whoa!" he laughs.

Rolling onto his back he laughs, "I was almost there, but it might have been better had you not attacked."

He slaps his knee and purposefully keeps his back to Hyperdrive giving him time to do what ever he was going to do then turns and drawws his weapon squinting his optics.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive does not run in a straight line and ducks behind a rock before transforming to hovercar mode. From then he's still weaving back and forth and now going up the sides of the canyon walls now and then. But He's still not going to win this match. He'll be happy just to get a nod to the tactics used. **I know my forcefield isn't strong enough for some attacks. If I knocked a con off balance, I'd hope it'd be harder to use his most powerful attack first**

Jazz has posed:
Jazz stands and transformers and simply starts to follow saying just before he transforms, "You need a silent run mode rookie," then he transforms and gives chase.

He doesn't follow exactly, he simply goes straight in the direction of Hyper's flight, he headlights flash on and chase music begins to play. The chase is on.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive can possibly outrun Jazz especially on a straightaway or really bad ground, but he's also been at this for an extended time. Time that he would have normally also called for help if he could. But the rules for this encounter were to escape if you could stay uncaught as long as possible. The forcefield is soon lost though it flares to life whenever his frame stayed in one direction for too long. But he's overheating again and now that he's got some headway, he needs to stop. The young mech transforms once he rounds a bend of the canyon. There are some overhangs but one catches his optics. It's a short tunnel but the hole is just small enough to let him burrow in and not give off a full heat signature. Either way, he's got nothing left on the running. But at least he'll have tried. And though he's hidden himself, this time he's got his techvolt out. Whoever finds him might have to shake off being stunned.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz knowing that Hyperdrive has stopped running and approximating his location Jazz transforms back, turns of his light and music and squats, this time he is stalking he says nothing pulling his weapon again. This time hs says nothing.

He begins to climb to get some high ground and a better view over the land. After getting up a bit he drops to his belly and his optic starts a very soft glow.

Putting his gun out he starts scanning the area with his gun.

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive isn't able to try running anymore. Nope, not its just letting the clock keep ticking until Jazz finds him. He's pleased that he did as well as he's done but there were still mistakes. Oh well. ALl he can do is learn from them

Jazz has posed:
a Scope pops up on Jazz's rifle and slowly he stops and pulls the trigger. He knows better than to get close -again- and get knocked over.

He whispers, "Found you."

Hyperdrive has posed:
Hyperdrive's gun gets hit from his hands. Yep Jazz is just that good. He crawls out of his hole and sighs, waiting for Jazz to claim his kill. **I'm dead....or something. Still overheated so I'm not gonna try and run Sir.** He leans back against the ravine wall for Jazz to close the distance.

Jazz has posed:
Jazz snorts and hopping down the cliff he approachs Hyper, "That wasn't bad kid," he puts a hand on his shoulder, "Let's head back, I'll show you were you went wrong ok?"
